Are Portuguese Water Dogs Good for Apartments? All You Need to Know

Portuguese Water Dogs are good for apartments provided all their basic needs are met. Giving importance to making sure they’re well-exercised is vital in keeping them happy and along with it is their need for constant socialization.
These are just some of the conditions you need to meet before bringing home a puppy of this breed. And although they can adjust to the apartment style of living, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself first, factors to consider, and convenient ways to get them used to your flat.
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Why Portuguese Water Dogs Are Great Apartment Companions
Portuguese Water Dogs are medium-sized canines. A moderately-spaced apartment is already an ideal environment for them. It’s not even a worry when it comes to noise as this breed is generally quiet inside their home. They only bark a lot when there are perceived threats around.
Plus, this dog is wise to the core. Their working history and the purpose to which they were bred have made them independent and capable of making decisions on their own. They can learn several pieces of training needed to maintain a stress-free home.
This proves helpful whenever you have to leave your place for a period. Despite the lack of free access to a yard, a well-trained Portuguese Water Dog will be able to cope with your temporary absence.
Learn more about the breed: Portuguese Water Dog 101: The Essential Guide
Things to Ponder Before Bringing a Portuguese Water Dog to Your Apartment
Most Portuguese Water Dog parents usually don’t have a problem with their pooches regardless of their living situation. However, not all cases would yield the same results, especially to you, who’s yet to bring a Portie puppy, unless you ponder on certain things first.
Here are some questions that need answers before you go through with having a dog in your place:
Are Dogs Allowed in the Apartment?
Some apartment owners do not allow pets in the complex, while others do. Check out the pet policy of the apartment you’re renting.
Some owners are adamant about letting in pet owners because the property is at risk of getting damaged. After all, some dogs are notorious chewers and would gnaw at anything that ends up in their mouths.
Are Your Neighbors Okay With You Having a Dog?
It’s unideal for neighbors to listen to your dog barking and whining all night long. An apartment-style living won’t be a great idea if your puppy remains to be uncontrollable all their life, especially during the times when people have to rest.
But, of course, a puppy would need a bit of leniency as they’re still learning about certain things. Let your neighbors know that your Portuguese Water Dog is still being trained, and apologize if it gets noisy for a few days.
Is There a Park Nearby?
Having a nearby park makes your apartment’s location more suitable for you owning a Portie. This means it’s not going to be hard work to bring your pup outside for regular exercise and interaction.
Porties can’t stand seeing the same four walls or roaming the same territories daily. Seeing the natural environment and different faces is excellent for their well-being.
Is Your Apartment Big Enough?
Your apartment shouldn’t be cramped. The bigger the space, the better. Ensure that your living space can accommodate a medium dog like a Portie without squeezing their way from one room to another.
It’s important to let your Portie have a space of their own, like a dog corner where they can freely rest, eat, and play.
Reading tip: Dog Corner Ideas: 13 Best Concepts + 5 Tips to Follow
5 Factors to Consider Before Bringing a Portuguese Water Dog to Your Apartment
There’s a reason why not all dog breeds should live in apartments and why some can. And, even though a Portuguese Water Dog can thoroughly adjust to your type of space, there are at least 7 factors that you should consider before anything else.
1. Size
Your Portuguese Water Dog shouldn’t be too big for your apartment. According to the AKC, their proportions are 17-23 inches, and they can weigh around 35 to 60 pounds.
Make sure they can move around quickly without knocking the vases off the furniture when they pass by.
2. Your Schedule
Are you always busy and not at home most of the day? If yes, an apartment might be the last choice as your home if you’re persistent in owning a Portuguese Water Dog. A hectic schedule could mean arriving at your apartment with no more energy to bring your pooch to the nearest park.
This wouldn’t be that demotivating if you have a home with a yard, as you won’t have to make as much effort as you would if you have to bring your dog to a park.
3. Noise
The last thing you want is your neighbors hating you and your dog because of the noise from your apartment. You must dedicate a reasonable amount of time training your Portie not to bark unless necessary.
Also, make sure that the environment isn’t too stressful to live in for your furry buddy. If your apartment complex is near the streets where large vehicles pass by, it’s time to upgrade your windows to soundproof ones.
4. Damage Deposit
A damage deposit is the same as a security deposit. The apartment owner will usually ask for a pet deposit and only return it once the contract ends, and your Portie has damaged nothing on the property.
5. Activity Level & Socialization
Portuguese Water Dogs are relatively active and spirited. They need daily activities as boredom can pave the way for several destructive behaviors like peeing and defecating in inappropriate places or constant whining.
They also require immense socialization to form bonds with other people and animals for their mental health. Living in an apartment means you have to put effort into these things, or else they’ll be deprived of their exercise and needed interaction if they’re just contained inside your flat.
5 Ways to Help Your Portuguese Water Dog Adjust to an Apartment-Style of Living
It is a challenge to own a Portuguese Water Dog while living in an apartment. But by following specific tips, your pooch won’t dread each time you’re not around. Get them to adjust to the situation by observing the list below:
1. Potty Train Them. You won’t have to deal with your dog’s mess if they’re trained where to do their business.
2. Crate Train Them. Portie dogs can prevent the development of separation anxiety with the help of their crates.
3. Ask for Help From Others. If you aren’t home, ask a friend or a family member to watch over your pet.
4. Bring Them to a Doggy Daycare. Let your Portie interact with other dogs by taking them to doggy daycare centers.
5. Hire a Pet Sitter/Dog Walker. Pet sitters or walkers help you in fulfilling your task for the dog.
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