Dogo Argentino vs. German Shepherd: Which Is the Better Dog Breed?

If you’re looking for a dog that will be loyal and obedient, then you should choose the German shepherd over the Dogo Argentino. However, if you’d instead get a dog that will be playful and energetic, then go for the Dogo Argentino instead. If you want your dog to be able to protect you and your family, then both breeds are great choices. If you’ve got kids, then consider getting a puppy first before choosing either one.
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Breed Origins
Dogo Argentino
Dogo Argentinos are a breed of dog that originated in Argentina. They’re usually gentler than most dogs and make great pets for people living in apartments. Dogs are also a good option if you need a soft watchdog.
German Shepherd
Initially, the german shepherd was bred in Germany as a guardian. Today, law enforcement agencies and other groups use the German shepherd for its versatility and loyalty. The german shepherd dog is a loyal and versatile dog used by law enforcement agencies and other organizations. It is good with people and can learn to guard houses or kids.
Dogo Argentino
The Dogo Argentino is usually smaller than the German shepherd and has a lighter coat that may be tan, gold, golden brown, or even pale yellow. Some Dogo Argentino also has markings similar to the ones found on the German shepherd: dark spots around their eye and ear, a V-shaped mark on the back of their necks, and a patch on the chest.
They are gentle, agile, and easy-to-train dogs. German Shepherds are more significant than the Dogo Argentino, but the latter is a good choice if your budget allows for a less demanding breed.
German Shepherd
The German shepherd is one of the giant dog breeds. They usually weigh between 70 and 90 pounds, and they’re built like tanks. They come in different colors, including black, white, and brown. Some have markings on their chest, legs, and tail. They’re usually smaller than German Shepherds.
Dogo Argentino
The temperament of Dogo Argentino is friendly and playful. They love attention, and they are always ready for playtime. They are also very loyal and protective of their family members.
German Shepherd
According to American Kennel Club, German Shepherds are known for their friendly personalities, loyalty, and intelligence. They’re great with kids and family pets. They are not as affectionate as the Dogo Argentino, but they are still very loving and caring towards their human companions.
Dogo Argentino
The trainability of Dogo Argentino is high. This means he has a lot of training to learn new things. He is also willful and obstinate when learning something new. He can be stubborn sometimes, so it’s essential to be patient and consistent with his training.
German Shepherd
German Shepherd dogs tend to be more trainable than their smaller counterparts, but they’re equally capable of defending your property from intruders. This breed tends to be more trainable compared to its smaller counterpart. Training takes a few days before this dog learns to obey commands. However, some German shepherds require more time and patience to get used to new situations.
Activity Level

The German shepherd is usually more energetic, requiring more exercise than the Dogos Argentinos. They’re also better suited for training if you want to get a dog that can help protect your home or your loved ones.
German Shepherds are generally more independent than the Dogo Argentino. They are also active and more likely to wander independently without supervision. They don’t like being left alone and often try to find someone to take care of them.
Living Condition
Dogo Argentino
The preferred living conditions for Dogo Argentino are temperate climates, such as those found in Europe and North America. Temperatures vary throughout the year, ranging from cold winters to hot summers. Most dogs prefer dry climates, although some breeds do well in humid environments. Dogs living in extreme temperatures must be protected against heat stroke and hypothermia.
German Shepherd
The German shepherd is one of the giant breeds of dogs, and they’re often better suited for guarding homes and families. They’re friendly with other dogs in their household.
They should be kept inside unless they’re outside for short periods under close supervision by a responsible owner who knows their behavior well enough to know when they’re likely to act aggressively toward other animals.
German Shepherd dogs are well suited for people who live in cramped conditions or have young children. Their obedient nature makes them ideal companions for these types of families. As with any breed of dog, German shepherd dogs have certain conditions that need to be checked by a vet.
Health Issues
Dogo Argentino
The primary health issue with Dogo Argentino is that they are prone to developing hip dysplasia. This condition causes pain in the hips and legs and often leads to arthritis later in life. Other common conditions include heart disease, cancer, eye diseases, skin disorders, and allergies.
German Shepherd

The health issues associated with German Shepherds include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, heart disease, eye diseases, skin allergies, and ear infections. You can treat these conditions through early detection and proper care.
Litter Size
Dogo Argentino
The litter size of Dogo Argentino is between 8 to 10 puppies. This breed was developed for hunting dogs and was used for hunting wild boar, deer, foxes, rabbits, etc. They also had been used to guard livestock against predators. The average lifespan of these dogs is 15 years.
German Shepherd
The litter size of German Shepherds ranges from 1 to 15 puppies. A large litter size is usually associated with a giant dog breed such as Great Danes, Mastiffs, and Bullmastiffs. Smaller litters are typically found in smaller species like Chihuahuas, Poodles, and Yorkshire Terriers.