When Do Vizslas Calm Down? Tip & Tricks to Calm Them Down

Like most hyperactive dogs, Vizsla typically calms down at around 2–3 years old. Generally, male Vizslas tend to be slower to mature emotionally and mentally than female Vizslas. Additionally, males are more likely to have a higher energy level than females.

Though they are very active dogs, there are some things you can do to help calm down your hyper puppy. If your dog is always running around, jumping up, barking, chewing, digging, pulling on his leash, and generally acting like he wants to run away, it could mean that he needs some extra TLC.

Why Do Vizslas Have So Much Energy?

Vizslas are known for being very energetic dogs. They love playing fetch and tug games, running around, and chasing balls. This breed gets lots of exercises because it loves to play. If you don’t give your dog enough physical activity, he’ll start getting bored and restless. He might even become destructive.

A vizsla needs regular training and attention. You should spend some quality time with your pet every day. Playtime with your dog gives him mental stimulation. Dogs thrive off mental stimulation just like people do.

If your dog doesn’t receive enough mental stimulation, he’ll probably develop separation anxiety. This is when your dog starts acting anxious whenever you’re away. He could also become aggressive towards strangers.

Your dog needs lots of socialization. Socializing your dog helps prevent aggression and makes him less likely to bite. You should always supervise your dog while he plays outside. Be sure to take him out frequently. Even if he has a fenced yard, he still needs to go out regularly.

Tips to Calm Down Vizsla

 Here are six tips for helping your hyper Vizsla settle down:

1. Exercise Your Dog Regularly

Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your dog happy and healthy. Whether you take him out for a walk or play fetch, make sure that he gets plenty of physical activity every day. If he seems especially excited about playing, try taking him to a park where he can romp around with other dogs.

2. Give Him Something to Chew On

If your dog is constantly gnawing on something, give him a toy to chew on instead. This way, he won’t feel the urge to bite you or anything else. Toys aren’t just good for keeping your dog occupied; they’re also great for relieving stress.

3. Make Sure He Has Plenty Of Food And Water

You want to make sure they are not hungry and thirsty. If your dog is hungry, he will be more likely to get into trouble. Also, if he’s too hot or cold, he may act in an agitated manner. You can have a routine meal schedule so that your dog knows what to expect each day.

4. Give Him Plenty of Rest

Make sure your dog gets adequate sleep each night. He’ll be less hyperactive if he sleeps well. Plus, he’ll be healthier overall. In contrast, a tired dog is more likely to have accidents in the house or on walks.

If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to help your dog get better sleep, consider giving him a small bed of his own. 

5. Keep His Environment Clean

Dogs need to live in an environment free from dirt and debris. When your dog spends too much time outdoors, he may get dirty paws and fur. This can cause skin infections. Clean their resting area regularly daily and remove any dirt or debris that they might have picked up.  

Actionable Plan For You to Calm Down Any Vizsla

Vizslas are very energetic dogs. They love playing games, running around, jumping into water fountains, and generally being active. But sometimes, they just need some downtime. If you want to help your dog relax, here are six ways to do it.

1. Play Fetch

Fetching is one of the best ways to keep your dog busy and happy. When he brings something home, give him a treat. Then throw the ball again and run away. He’ll chase you and bring it back. Repeat this game over and over.

2. Give Him a Bath

Your dog loves getting wet. Take him outside and let him splash in the puddles. Afterward, give him a nice, long, warm shower. This will make him feel refreshed and clean.

3. Exercise Him Twice Per Day

Vizslas are small dogs that look similar to miniature poodles. These dogs make great family pets because they are quiet, gentle, and affectionate. However, they do require a lot of exercise. If you want to keep your dog healthy, it’s important to give him enough physical activity. There are several ways you can work out your dog, including taking him on walks, playing fetch, or just letting him play around the house. You can even take him swimming. Just remember to supervise him closely and never allow him to swim alone.

Take your dog out for a good, long walk. Let him sniff everything along the way. Dogs enjoy walking because it gives them a chance to explore, smell things, and meet new people.

4. Visit Doggy Play Groups or Invite Friends With Dogs Over

If you’re looking for ways to give your dog some exercise and mental stimulation, there are plenty of options out there. One way to do both is to take him to a local dog park. If you live near one, take advantage of it.

Dog Parks Are Great Places To Meet Other People Who Love Their Pets Too

A recent study found that people who go to dog parks tend to make friends with other dog owners. In fact, nearly half of those surveyed reported meeting someone they know now because they went to a dog park together.

Dog Park Safety Tips

Before you head off to your next dog park adventure, here are some safety tips to consider:

Make sure to watch where you step, especially while walking your dog. Also, always look behind you when taking your dog outside. This helps ensure that no one is following you.

5. Provide Interactive Puzzle Toys

Interactive toys provide your dog with mental stimulation and physical activity. They help build confidence, focus, problem-solving skills, and socialization. Your dog needs to learn how to interact with people and objects. This helps him develop self-control, obedience, and manners.

You can use interactive toys to teach your dog tricks like sitting down, shaking hands, fetching, standing up, rolling over, playing dead, jumping through hoops, and much more. You can even make your own interactive toy out of cardboard boxes.

6. Daily Basic Command Training

Basic command training is an easy method to teach your dog some manners and good habits. You don’t need expensive equipment or lots of space to do it. In fact, you probably already have everything you need.

There are several different methods to train basic commands, including clicker training, food rewards, and verbal cues. Each one works well, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, clicker training is great for teaching your dog to sit, stay, come, down, and heel. Food rewards work best for teaching your dog to walk nicely on a leash. Verbal cues are perfect for teaching your dog to wait patiently while you finish getting ready. But whatever method you choose, there are certain things you’ll want to keep in mind.

First, make sure you’ve chosen the correct method for your particular situation. If you’re just starting out with a puppy, you might start off with food rewards and gradually move toward clicker training. Or maybe you’ve been working with your dog for a while now, and he’s learned most of his commands, but you still struggle to control him when he gets excited. In that case, you might try clicker training and see whether it helps.

Second, remember that every dog learns differently. Some dogs take to the training immediately; others require extra patience and repetition. Don’t worry about being patient — it’s part of the fun! And don’t let yourself feel discouraged if your dog doesn’t seem interested in learning. Every dog responds differently to training, and sometimes it takes multiple tries to figure out exactly what works best.

Finally, never force your dog to obey. Most dogs are naturally obedient, and forcing them into doing something against their nature will only lead to frustration. Instead, reward your dog whenever she obeys. When she does something nice, give her a treat. When she behaves politely, praise her. And when she does something wrong, tell her “no.” Remember, treats aren’t bribes. They’re simply rewards for positive behaviors.

7. Spend More Time With Your Vizsla

Vizslas are very intelligent dogs. They love being part of the family and making friends with people. If you spend quality time with your dog, he’ll learn how to trust you. When you play with him, make sure to interact with him and show him affection. He’ll enjoy it and become even more attached to you.

Why These Methods Work and Why They Are Important

A dog’s life is full of challenges and responsibilities. You want to make sure you provide everything your Vizsla needs to live a healthy, happy life. We offer tips on training, health care, nutrition, grooming, exercise, and much more.

Most important of all, spend more time with them, they like to be around people. It gives them great comfort to know you’re affectionate towards them.