Dogs That Look Like a Mop: All 13 Mop-Like Breeds
You read the title right. There are mop-heads among the Canidae family particularly in the group of canines.
Although one of the least attractive items we find in the kitchen is our mops, their appearance’s impression seems to tilt toward the adorable scale if we talk about certain dogs that look like one.
Be careful not to mistake all 13 breeds we have listed below as actual floor cleaners or they would end up getting confused about what you’re doing. You wouldn’t want these dogs to hilariously end up looking dirty, would you?
Let’s start getting to know what these dogs are!
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1. Puli

The first mop dog is the Puli which originates from Hungary. The dog requires at least four years for its coat to grow in its full length, so it takes up a considerable amount of patience if an owner wants to see the typical look of the breed.
The moment the coat matures, cords form as a sort of protection against harsh weather conditions and they act as warmers in case the environment gets cold. The stereotypical descriptive word regarding the look of his fur would be “dreadlocks”.
The dreadlocks feel thin though and would need some type of special care in ensuring the dog doesn’t get matted, or else it would be a painful and uncomfortable experience for him.
As a herding dog, expect the Puli breed to exude endless incredible exuberance so ending up with an active owner is a must. He’s a medium-sized breed that weighs around 30 to 35 pounds and reaches 16 to 17 inches in height.
2. Poodle

Poodles usually have bouncy curls all over them and most people wouldn’t expect them to look like a mop, but it’s actually possible. Unlike other dog breeds who naturally develop it, the Poodle can exhibit dreadlocked fur only if the owner’s preference favors it.
In altering the look of the Poodle breed, owners would create cords in detail throughout the dog’s body. Luckily, despite the unconventional appearance, Poodles naturally flaunt whatever hairstyle they have in an elegant manner.
Poodles come in a variety of sizes from toy, miniature, to standard. They were bred as water retrieving dogs, therefore their energy is insurmountable. They are easy to train, intelligent, and great as pets.
3. Afghan Hound

Next up is the Afghan Hound. With its long, straight coat that sometimes reaches the ground, anyone can easily mistake him for a mop, although a neat one. Thankfully, the breed can be easily identified by its long snout, legs, and ears.
Afghan Hounds are like celebrities. Their long, silky hair can make them look elegant, confident, and photogenic. Surprisingly, despite looking like royalty, the breed was used for hunting games.
The quality of each strand the Afghan Hound has is almost the same as human hair, so extreme care is necessary to avoid tangling. It may take up a bit of time and effort grooming him as he stands tall between 24 to 26 inches. As added information, this dog weighs 50 to 60 pounds.
4. Bearded Collie

The long fur of the Bearded Collie grants him a spot on the list too. A newly-bathed dog of this breed looks closer to the look of a mop since his hair would form wet clumps of hair like a mop that’s been used.
They were originally used as herders of sheep and cattle in Scotland. The coat serves as a protection against cold as they do their outside task.
When considering adopting a Bearded Collie, some of the basic info you should know about him is that he’s a medium-sized dog great for apartment spaces. But, with their enthusiasm, an active outdoor lifestyle is still needed.
Definitely head your way to the shelter only if you have time to bring him for a long walk each day. If road trips are your thing, he’ll enjoy sticking his head out of the car and feeling the wind.
5. Havanese

If there are large and medium mop-looking dogs, a small one also exists! The Havanese would be a great choice for dog enthusiasts who are very much into long-haired breeds.
With its long and silky hair, the dog would require regular maintenance to keep his coat from forming into undesirable clumps.
Trimming his hair is recommended every once in a while or depending on your preference. Just make sure his quality of life isn’t sacrificed just so he could bear a semblance to a mop.
As a dog that only weighs 7 to 13 pounds and reaches 8 to 11 inches, anyone would be shocked to learn he’s actually a spirited dog. Get him preoccupied through obedience training and other essential activities.
6. Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso is another mop-looking breed that, despite its small size, is hailed as a wonderful guard dog. This dog from Tibet has very fine and dense hair and they were commonly found in palaces and monasteries as alert dogs.
To maintain the luxurious appeal of its coat, regular brushing and other required grooming routines are vital. Bring him to a groomer if necessary. As a companion dog, the right owner must be aware of his maintenance requirements.
Lhasa Apsos are easy to lift and compact as they only weigh 12 to 15 pounds and reach a height of 9 to 11 inches.
Another thing to take note of, even though this dog’s hair may sometimes hinder his eyes from seeing, the dog remains excellent in guarding. You just don’t know it, but they will be aware of a stranger’s steps inside the house.
7. Komondor

Komondors literally score high as a mop impostor compared to the rest of the breeds listed here. It’s not astonishing if people would have this breed come first in their minds if asked which dog resembles a mop.
Now, Komondors have attractive dreadlocks that cover their whole body. They are useful working dogs that ensure the safety of the livestock in the field.
Despite the rough-looking exterior, the dog seemingly has soft dreadlocks. As the coat grows, dreadlocks naturally form. This type of coat helps in keeping him warm, and being in the field, the dog wouldn’t be easily wounded by thorns and barbs.
Adopting this breed means providing him with a large space in your home. He’s fairly big as his proportions include a weight of 88 to 132 pounds and a height of 25.5 to 27.5 inches.
8. Spanish Water Dog

Have you come across the Spanish Water Dog? You’ll certainly agree that the coat type he has also takes after a mop, appearance-wise. It would also tell that he would require constant grooming.
Despite the needed effort to pour into this breed, his cute and meek face makes up for it. The Spanish Water Dog is also an intelligent breed that would gleefully do any task you give him.
His mop-looking coat comes from their home country’s humid weather. If his coat is left to mature, growing curls will start showing and appear like tight cords.
For those who like right-sized breeds, the Spanish breed only weighs 31 to 49 pounds and reaches 16 to 20 inches in height.
9. Briard

Briards are also long-coated dogs that used to be herders in the fields. As they turned into home pets, the breed maintains excellence in being purposeful inside your house.
In terms of looks though, the Briard would appear like a wet mop every after baths. Once it’s dry and finely groomed, the strands would look thin and floaty.
The Briard is more like a large dog considering his 70 to 90 pounds weight and 22 to 27 inches height. In bringing one home, expect him to attempt herding your family, but these can be nipped in the bud. He’s one devoted dog that can be stubborn and challenging to train at the start.
10. Maltese

Maltese dogs retain their playfulness into old age. They are small white-haired pooches with a coat they waddle to the ground as they walk. A freshly groomed dog of this breed can be placed beside a white mop and they’ll look like twins.
If this dog fits perfectly your standards in looking for a four-legged companion, you have to know first that despite the minute size, he still needs a small backyard or plain area to run around.
He’s only ideally 7 pounds and 8 to 9 inches in height, perfect as cuddle buddies. Hug and carry them as many times as you want in a day and still, they won’t get bored of you.
11. Yorkshire Terrier

Another small mop dog that successfully ends up on our list is the Yorkshire Terrier. He’s known mainly for his distinct long coat that has a saddle marking on his back.
Despite only weighing around 4 to 6 pounds and reaching a peak of 8 to 9 inches, the Yorkshire Terrier would assertively let everybody know of his big dog personality. Unlike a mop, this dog wouldn’t be someone you can just control.
In addition, they are known for being too feisty and suspicious toward strangers. They need intensive training to keep them from barking nonstop and so you can carry him in a tote bag without having an argument with him.
12. Old English Sheepdog

Another large mop dog that takes a place in this list is the Old English Sheepdog. He’s 60 to 100 pounds and 20 21 inches when measured at withers. His fuzzy long coat obviously makes him appear similar to a mop.
When its coat is dry, however, he would appear bushy and dense. Nevertheless, when humidity strikes, he gets back to looking like a mop again.
The breed is known for its easy-going nature and he can easily adjust to apartment-style living. Although he’s got loads of hairs in his body, the dog is deemed a low-shedder.
In crucial times, the Old English Sheepdog maintains a serious on-guard look, but when the environment is at ease, he’ll unhesitantly show his comical side.
13. Barbet

Last but not least is the Barbet breed. He’s closely related to some dogs on the list like the Poodle, the Spanish Water Dog, and the Briard. With their close genetic linkage toward each other, it’s to be expected that the Barbet carries the same features.
Barbets develop a thick curly coat that can get even longer over time. It is wooly and water-resistant so they don’t get easily penetrated by the dirt, contrary to a mop that easily absorbs wet dirt.
These waterfowl retrievers can weigh about 37 to 62 pounds and grow 20 to 25 inches. They are smart, agile, and old as a breed. As a rare dog breed, there are only a few left in the US.